open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to know which power form are generally exercised by military commander in the ROK-Army. For this purpose a power form scale(PFS) was prepared with 93 preliminary items which based on the seven power sources however the extent of power sources is still in discussion. The data were collected from the sample of 802 enlisted men enrolled in several combat divisions. As a result of factor analysis six power forms were extracted, which could be named as ① referent power, ② coercive power, ③ expert power, ④ legitimate power, ⑤ reward power and ⑥ association power. But with regard to the decreasing tendency of eigenvalue and Cronbach's α coefficient among items in respective factors it was also possible to presume three or four factors instead of six. Because this study has still exploratory character, such a result can offer basic materials in order to complete scale and further studies in this thematic area.