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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of supervisor's participative leadership, achievement -oriented leadership, and perceived readiness for organizational change on members' commitment to organizational change. Also this study investigated how commitment to organizational change affected adaptive performance and behavioral support for organizational change. Data were collected from 228 employees of 23 different organizations that have been undergone organizational change during recent 1 year. This study collected data from both self-report and other report of supervisor and co-worker concerning adaptive performance and behavioral support for organizational change. First, results from structural equation modeling indicate that supervisor's achievement-oriented leadership positively affected commitment to organizational change in the self-report model. Second, supervisor's participative leadership and perceived readiness for organizational change didn't affect commitment to organizational change significantly. Third, commitment to organizational change significantly affected both adaptive performance and behavioral support for organizational change, and the association of relationship in self-report was stronger than in other report. This study assumed member's change orientation as a moderator in the relationship between antecedents(supervisor's leadership and perceived readiness for organizational change) and commitment to organizational change. Results from hierarchical regression analysis indicate that member's change orientation moderated the relationship between perceived readiness for organizational change and commitment to organizational change. The implications for research and practice, limitations of this study, and future research directions are discussed.
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