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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The first purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of personality(extraversion, openness, conscientiousness) on job crafting. The second purpose was to examine the effects of job crafting on task performance and adaptive performance. The third purpose was to examine the mediating effects of job crafting on the relationship between personality(extraversion, openness, conscientiousness) and job performance(task performance, adaptive performance). The last purpose was to testify the moderating effect of the leader’s empowering behavior on the relationship between personality(extraversion, openness, conscientiousness) and job crafting. Data were collected from 167 employees who were working in a variety of organizations in Korea by the survey research method. Both task performance and adaptive performance were rated by others(peer or supervisor). The result of this study showed that the relationship between personality(openness, conscientiousness) and job crafting, and the relationship between job crafting and job performance(task performance, adaptive performance) were significantly positive. Also, the job crafting had full mediation effect on the relationship between personality(openness, conscientiousness) and job performance(task performance, adaptive performance). Leader’s empowering behavior had moderation effect on the relationship between conscientiousness and job crafting. That is, the positive relationship between conscientiousness and job crafting was stronger when leader’s empowering behavior was lower rather than higher. Based on these results, we discussed the implications and limitations of the study, and the suggestions for the future research.
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