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Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment : Are they distinct concepts?


Using a sample of Korean workers, the present study was intended to address the issue of the discriminant validity of measures of job involvement and organizational commitment. First, the LISREL program was used to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis of items from measures of these two variables and to assess relations between a wide variety of variables and the two measures. The results of these analyses indicated that the measures of job involvement and organizational commitment represent distinct constructs. Second, a series of multiple regression analyses were conducted to further understand the difference in constructs between job involvement and organizational commitment. The results of these analyses indicated that the personal variables shared more variance with job involvement than did the situational variables. This was opposite for organizational commitment : the situational variables shared more variance with organizational commitment than did the personal variables. Results of the study are discussed within a context of cross-cultural frame. Generally, many of the findings in this study appear to be explained by a similar logic as has been used to explain the findings for American workers.

