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The Effects of consumer self-concept, price reduction rate, and source credibility on involvement and purchase intention


This study was intendd to investigate the effects of consumer self-concept(CSC), price reduction rate(PRR), and source credibility(SC), on involvement(perceived risk and perceived importance) and purchase intention(PI) respectively, Also, it was examined how PPR and SC are affected by the level of SCS, Subjects were 96 college students and 2×2×2 ANOVA was conducted to analyzed the data. The results were as followed : when SC is low, perceived risk is greater : when CSC was low, subjects in the high SC condition had leas perceived risk than those in the low SC condition : when PPR was low, there is no significant difference among four groups, but when PPR is high significant difference is found : when CSC is high, SC is high, and PRR is low, perceived importance was greater : subjects in the high SC condition had greater PI than those in Sc ; subjects in the low CSC condition had greater PI than those in high CSC condition ; When PRR was high, subjects in the high CSC condition had greater PI than those in the low CSC condition ; when PRR was low, subjects in the high SC condition had greater PI than those in the low SC condition.

