This study make comparative analysis of the cataloging rules on the edition area included in the KCR4, NCR(2001), AACR2R, ISBD(M), and ISBD(ER). There is a delicate difference between the cataloging rules. The main features on the edition are as the follows. (1) In the bibliography description the concept of the edition is a general application. That is to say, the edition construct the new edition and the impression. The former comes the purview of a change content, the size, and a printing type. The latter publish newly. (2) The requisite for description of the edition area consists of a edition statement, statements of responsibility relating to the edition, additional edition statement, and statements of responsibility following an additional edition statement. Voluntary rules transcribe the parallel edition statement. (3) In the case of the electronic materials special versions on content and function indicates as the edition, but the environment of software does not indicate as it. (4) Parallel statement of responsibility relating to the edition, parallel additional edition statements, and parallel statements of responsibility following an additional edition statement are voluntary rules or not transcribed in the edition area.
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