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Efficiency in the Provision of Library Services Using Data Envelopment Analysis

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2005, v.39 no.1, pp.221-239


This paper asesses the relative efficiency of public library s ervices by examining the relationship between library inputs and library outputs in library systems. Using Data Envelopment Analysis, this study derives efficiency scores in the provision of librar Seoul. The data are survey observa tions for 2002. We employ tot al holdings, total serials, and total acquisitions as inputs, and total circulations and reader visit s as outputs. The result shows that the could be reduced by one-three without sacrificing output if all libraries were as efficient as the be nchmark 4 identified by DEA. Too many total collections are the main source of inefficiency.

Data Envelopment Analysis, Efficiency, Public Library, Evaluation of Libraries, DEA, 효율성, 공공도서관, 정보서비스, 도서관평가



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science