This study examines the changed information-gathering environment of these days has indeed changed the patterns of reporters in their information seeking efforts.For the study, two groups of reporters were surveyed. The first group consists of 9 senior-level reporters working for daily papers with 15 years or more of journalism career, the second group 11 junior reporters who have been in the industry for less than 10 years.The surveying of these reporters has indicated significant change in their patterns of information-seeking endeavor, the dominant trend changing from reporters' putting an emphasis on off-the record types of information through person-to-person contacts to their new focus on made-public information. The senior-level reporters, identify person-to-person contacts as most valuable sources for information and take meetings with their contacts as providing critical opportunities for information-gathering.On the other hand, this examination has found junior reporters to be spending more time in collecting made-public information and paying more attention to acquiring a higher level of professionalism and greater analytical abilities. In short, this study confirms the ever-rising importance of making available a wider range of information for reporters.
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