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Pregnant Women's Information Seeking Experience: Structure and Process of Information Seeking

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2006, v.40 no.1, pp.13-37


Using Grounded Theory, the present study was to discover structure and process of pregnant women's information seeking experience through identifying concepts and relationships of the experience. In-depth interviews were conducted with 16 participants selected by theoretical sampling. The findings were: 1) Pregnant womens' information seeking was caused by Acceptance of Pregnancy, 2) The phenomenon of information seeking was for Maintaining Normalcy to Pregnancy(MNP), 3) MNP occurred in connection with Perceived Anxiety and Desire to Know, 4) Action/interaction Strategies to MNP were related to the Awareness of Ways Acquiring Information, Previous Knowledge, Self-Regulation, and Information Access Environment, 5) Action/interaction Strategies to MNP were Seeking Diagnostic Data of Antenatal Care, Seeking Standard Knowledge, Seeking Experience, and Seeking Emotional Support, 6) As consequences of taking strategies, pregnant women were experienced in Sufficient, or Insufficient, 7) A three-stage process of information seeking was discovered: Comparing, Contextualising, Making sure, 8) In terms of change of information needs during pregnancy, a four-phasic process was discovered: Acceptance Phase, Adjusted Phase, Focusing Phase, and Transitional Phase. Based upon these results, it needs to generate a substantive theory contributed to holistically explain and predict pregnant women's information seeking behavior .

임신부, 정보추구경험, 정보추구행태, 정보추구 과정, 근거이론, 질적 연구, 실체이론Pregnant Women, Information Seeking Behavior, Information Seeking Experience, Information Seeking Structure, Information Seeking Process, Grounded Theory, Qualitative Research, Substantive Theory, 임신부, 정보추구경험, 정보추구행태, 정보추구 과정, 근거이론, 질적 연구, 실체이론Pregnant Women, Information Seeking Behavior, Information Seeking Experience, Information Seeking Structure, Information Seeking Process, Grounded Theory, Qualitative Research, Substantive Theory



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science