With the rapid and broad changes of information media and information environment the traditional libraries have been evolving into the digital libraries. An analysis for the planning and realization of the electronic resource management system was carried out to establish the various electronic resources in the digital library, the first in Korea. The study targeted from electronic journals, web-based databases, e-books, and to open access resources. The focus of the analysis lies in the providing practical integrated electronic resource management for digital librarian based on the framework of effective Electronic Resource Management Initiative(ERMI) of Digital Library Federation(DLF) with network and electronic resource description. The analyses included life-cycle, subscription models, coverages, types of information provider for electronic resources, and system organization for implementation of electronic resource management system.
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(2005) 우리나라 디지털도서관의 전개양상에 관한 연구.,
(2005.) Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources Re- lease 2 of the COUNTER Code of Practice for Journals and Databases.,
(2006.) Electronic Resource Management Initiative.,
(2006.) A Web Hub for Developing Administrative Metadata for Electronic Resource Mana- gement.,
(2004) Electronic resource management systems from ILS ven- dors,
(2005) Electronic resource management systems, part II: offe- rings from serials vendors and serial data vendors,
the quest for systems and standards,
(2002) NISO/DLF Workshop on Standards for Electronic Resource Management, May 10, 2002,,
(2005) Elec- tronic resource management systems: the need and the realization,