The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of OPAC displays and search interfaces for children. The OPACs of Cheongju Miracle Library, Nowon Children's Library in Seoul, Los Angeles Public Library in the U.S.A. and HelMet Library System in Finland are examined on the basis of 'OPAC Display Guidelines(Draft)' published by IFLA and Nielsen's 'User Interface Design Heuristics'. Discussed are such topics as the features of basic and detailed search screens, the brief display of search results, the arrangement and full display of bibliographic records, and the displays for zero-results and large retrieval sets. The OPAC displays of Cheongju Miracle Library and Nowon Children' Library are not particularly designed to serve children which are their primary users. The OPAC displays for children of LAPL and HelMet Library System are rather simplified and customized to represent specifically the needs and information seeking behavior of children.
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