For National Digital Library(NDL) to properly perform it's ideal function as a representative digital library in Korea, information service policy considering the IT and Ubiquitous environment shall be established. Information service policy of NDL was established with focus group interviews and a survey targeting the users and librarians in this study. To raise the propriety of information service policy, final draft of information service policy was proposed after the interim evaluation targeting the concerned parties of NDL and 1st & 2nd verification by external specialists and the consultation group. In this manner, vision, mission, goal, objective, strategy, etc of information service policy of NDL were proposed. Information service policy of NDL proposed in this study not only proposes the fact and base to other digital libraries that wishes to establish the information service policy and arrange detailed guidelines as a case study but also secures the direction and vision of global information service policy of NDL. Furthermore, it will contribute for NDL to build its reputation as a world renowned digital library.
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