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A Study on the Supporting Strategy of Cultural Programs in Korean Public Libraries

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2008, v.42 no.3, pp.325-344

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Supporting strategies of national level are required as the cultural programs in Korean public libraries are becoming one of key tasks which takes more than 30% of total library duties. This study proposed 6 categories of supporting strategies as national and local libraries based on analysis of 88 public libraries's cultural programs and their requirements. The study's research methods mainly include literature investigation, case study and expert panel group discussions. The 6 supporting categories that this study proposes are: ① Advisory committee working, ② Development and distribution of the cultural program models ③ Development of cultural program packages, ④ Development and execution of educational programs for cultural program librarians, ⑤ Financial support policies, ⑥ Human Resources and networks for local level programs.

Public Library, Cultural Program, PPO, Public Program, State Library, National Library, Cultural Program Type, 공공도서관, 문화프로그램, 지역대표도서관, PPO, 문화프로그램유형, Public Library, Cultural Program, PPO, Public Program, State Library, National Library, Cultural Program Type



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PPO(Public Program Office),

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science