In this paper, we describe a developmental system for establishing personal information tendency based on user queries. For each query, the system classified it based on the category information using a kNN classifier. As category information, we used DDC field which is already assigned to each record in the database. The system accumulates category information for all user queries and the user's personalized feature for the target database. We then developed a personalized retrieval system reflecting the personalized feature to produce search result. Our system re-ranks the result documents by adding more weights to the documents for which categories match with the user's personalized feature. By using user's tendency information, the ambiguity problem of the word could be solved. In this paper, we conducted experiments for personalized search and word sense disambiguation (WSD) on a collection of Korean journal articles of science and technology arena. Our experimental result and user's evaluation show that the performance of the personalized search system and WSD is proved to be useful for actual field services.
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