Some of the possible effects of revitalizing school libraries are improved personality education and an acquisition of the basic, as well as cultural, knowledge through expanded reading opportunities. The goal of school education is to increase the students’ intellectual quality by providing structured education curriculums. In order to meet this goal, there has been increased interest in ways to enhance academic achievements or to increase the cognitive level of the students. In this study, we focused on the effects of school libraries on learning capabilities. To measure the learning capabilities, we used academic achievements as the evaluation criteria. Based on the statistical analysis, we found that the collection types and the reasons for using school libraries influenced the academic achievements more than the frequency of using school libraries. However, the influences of economic and social factors were too great in comparison to other factors. This paradoxically shows the importance of public education and the school libraries’ role in education in general. In summary, school libraries should provide good quality reading experiences as well as methods to collect, manage, and use information to the students. These efforts will positively impact the academic achievements of the students.
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