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Relevance of Five Laws of Library Science in the Contemporary Library World

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2011, v.45 no.4, pp.253-269
B. Ramesh Babu (University of Madras)


Dr S. Ranganathan’s Five Laws of Library Science were published in 1931 which is a classic work. This article describes in detail the Five Laws of Library Science and their implications on library activities. These laws have provided a scientific approach to library science. They constitute the philosophical basis for work and services of all types of libraries. These also provide guidance in the practice of Library and Information Science. He author emphasises that these will provide source of inspiration and guidance in the years to come. Every student and teacher of library Science and librarian must give a thought to the implications of these laws. In the changing environment of libraries in the emerging society has to fall with in the purview of these laws. The imperatives motivated by these five laws at the time of Ranganathan and in the present days have been identified. The new interpretations of the five laws with the various current nomenclature of Library and Information Science and other allied subjects have been enumerated. These new interpretations of these Laws shows that in today’s international world of librarianship, Ranganathan’s Five laws are much important and relevant what was before and even it is increasing. These Laws became the cornerstones of the philosophy of the techniques of Western society’s library experts. The author concludes that the vision and legacy of Ranganathan will continue to be an inspiration and guiding spirit for the emergence of the new library and information profession. These will serve as source of inspiration and guidance in the years to come. It is not whether Ranganathan is by himself relevant to-day, but it is we who can make him relevant by studying and applying his principles and practices in different areas of library management.

Ranganathan, S. R., Five Laws of Library Science, Relevance of Five Laws, Contemporary Librarianship, New Interpretations of Five Laws, Imperatives of Five Laws



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science