This study analyzed the changes in Library and Information Science (LIS) courses by investigating the LIS curriculum of Korea in the past 20 years (1991-2011). Results showed that the total number of courses increased as a whole. As the Korean educational system moved forward to the faculty system (Hakbuje), the number of basic courses increased while the number of core courses decreased. But the opposite phenomenon appeared as universities returned to the department system (Hakgwaje). Also, we investigated the domain-specific distribution of each department by separating the courses of 34 Korean LIS Departments into these seven domains: General Library and Information Science; Information Organization; Library and Information Center Management; Information Services; Information Science; Bibliography; and Archival Science. The results showed that the number of courses reduced in most domains over the past 20 years, except for the Library Service and Information Science areas. This study also explored the following phenomena: disappeared courses, changed course’s names, courses that integrated into a single course, courses that separated into various other courses, and newly emerging courses with the developing age.
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