The purpose of this study is to examine the current status of user-contributed reviews for the Next Generation Library Catalogs, and the potential impact of user reviews available from the external sources, including and During the period of February 16th through April 4th, 2012, the number of holding libraries and user-contributed reviews, tags and reading lists of ten selected books were examined from the WorldCat. Also the user-contributed reviews for the same books available from and were examined, and a case of reviews for one book was analyzed. The result shows that only a few users participated in the WorldCat, and user-contributed reviews were rarely used, when compared with tags or reading lists. Several hundred to thousand user-contributed reviews for the same books were available from and directly linked with bibliographic records. A case of one book from reveals the possibility of distorting the function of user-contribution. With the introduction of the function of user-contribution, it is expected that its growth rate should be carefully observed and its potential impact on users should be thoroughly and systematically analyzed in the near future.
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