Many local governments in Korea have competitively interested in founding and operating public libraries and carried out various projects for promoting them. Each local government, however, has focused on increasing the number of public libraries, lacking in an effort to enrich the qualitative substance. The purpose of this study is to suggest medium-term and long-term development plan for public libraries in Cheongju by considering internal and external problems of public libraries, and resent government plans for libraries. To identify this purpose, the study investigated the present founding and operating condition of public libraries in Cheongju. In the second, it suggested the medium-term and long-term strategic plans for public libraries in Cheongju using SWOT analysis. In the third, it also reviewed founding and operating changes of public libraries in Cheongju and Cheongwon which were integrated into one city. Lastly, the methods for organizing and operating public libraries in Cheongju were suggested.
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