The test instrument utilized to diagnose and evaluate a trainee’s ability are necessary for an effective information literacy education. Nevertheless, there is a lack of a standardized test instrument to comprehensively measure students’ information literacy. The purpose of this study is to develop a standardized test instrument to evaluate the information literacy of middle school students, and to verify the reliability and validity of the test instrument. For this purpose, this study selected factors that can show the information literacy and developed an information literacy test framework that was designed based on Guilford’s SOI model and Meeker’s SOI-LA test. The test instrument that was developed through this study is a 30-item Web-based multiple-choice test. This study administrated tests in middle school students (794 students joined), and analyzed difficulty, reliability, discrimination index, validity of tests, and reviewed tests items to qualify the standardized test. The cutoff score was also decided when using these tests as a diagnostic information literacy assessment.
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