The employment prospects of graduates in the Library and Information academic has largely concentrated in the field of librarianship as well as the curriculum of the academic itself. Since there are limitations in increasing the number of libraries and the available posts in the librarianship, the full-time jobs in the field are also limited. Even for the available posts in the field of librarianship, the majority is in contract based posts which does not guarantee a good working environment. The purpose of this research is to make policy implications to improve the employment rates of librarians. The main research methods include literature review of the previous studies and available statistical data, and a questionnaire targeting students and librarians. The targeting policy implications can be categorized into 4 factors, including, as supply side, improvements in the qualification of librarian certificate, in training for librarians, and as demand side, laws on library employment, and improvement of library services for co-operatives. There are 15 detailed strategies to support the 4 factors. For the improvement of strategies in library related laws, the following elements will be considered; supporting system for temporary jobs, the title of librarian post and the library itself, and librarian placement criteria in terms of its realization and mandatory, and obligations in library evaluation. The Council discussions propose the expansion of librarian award system, provision of information systems for librarian jobs, and developments in promotional materials and their deployment for librarians.
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