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A Study on Measuring the Benefits of Public Libraries

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2014, v.48 no.2, pp.307-329


The purpose of this study is to explain the benefits of public libraries in Korea. While many studies had focused on measuring the economic value, this study sought to investigate how do user benefits from public library service and how are these benefits associated with major demographic factors. The questionnaire was developed by two question formats, which is open-ended and 5 Likert scale on ‘enjoyment indicators’ in earlier studies. Total 313 responses data were collected in S public library in Seoul. As a result, respondents most frequently perceived benefits from library services is reading, saving the money and relaxation. Also, user’s benefits level had measured based on the ‘enjoyment indicators’. According to the analysis, respondents perceived benefits from library for reading (4.31) and saving the money (4.14). The results show the public libraries’ benefits differ in age and careers in ‘family relations’, ‘reading of children’, ‘cultural life’, ‘career improvement’, and ‘saving the money’.

공공도서관, 혜택, 향유, 이용자 생활, 성과 평가, Public Library, Benefit, Enjoyment, User Life, Performance, Evaluation



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science