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A Study of Identifying Areas to Measure the Effectiveness of Public Library Reading Programs for Children

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2014, v.48 no.2, pp.89-107

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The purposes of this study are to analyze the effectiveness of public library reading programs for children in qualitative way and to apply the outcomes to identify areas to measure the success of library reading programs. Interviews were conducted with children who participated in ‘2013 Reading Books with Libraries’ program and adults who were in charge of managing the program. Observations on the program were also conducted. The findings indicate that children who participated in ‘2013 Reading Books with Libraries’ program positively changed in various aspects. Selected areas to measure the success of library reading programs include: reading behavior; attitude to books; awareness of libraries and librarians; participation of library reading programs; the ability to read aloud; the ability to comprehend stories by listening; aggression; the ability to express one’s own feelings; speech ability; concentration power; and undiscovered potential. The elements that affect the success or failure of library reading programs include: librarian’s enthusiasm on running the reading program; environmental condition of the community child care center; age differences between child participants; running style of the instructor’s program; selection of books; child participants’ reading abilities and interests in reading; available time for free voluntary reading.

어린이 독서프로그램, 독서 효과, 도서관 독서프로그램, 소외계층, Children’s Reading Program. Reading Effectiveness, Library Reading Program, Disadvantaged Class



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science