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A Study on the Transition from the Library’s Copyright Compensation Regime to the Orphan Works Regime

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2014, v.48 no.4, pp.193-214


Thise study focuses on the direction to the revisions of copyright law in Korea, so that orphan works in libraries can be used more widely on the Internet. In particular, this study analyzes the problems of the provisions 31 and 50 in the copyright law related to the mass digitations of orphan works in libraries. This study also reviews the Directive 2012/28/EU, 3 orphan works bills in USA, and provisions related to the orphan works in The Enterprise and Regulatory Reform(ERR) Act 2013 in UK. Finally this study suggests the 3 directions to support mass digitations of orphan works in libraries. First, digitized orphan works in libraries are to be made a transmission to the public on the Internet; Second, compensation and approval fees are not required or minimized; and third, libraries have to stop the use of the orphan works if copyright owners require. If not, libraries have to negotiate with the copyright owners about the fees necessary.

고아저작물, 저작권법, 도서관 보상금, 법정허락, 대량디지털화, Orphan Works, Copyright Law, Library’s Copyright Compensation, Statutory License, Mass Digitisations



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science