This study aims to compare the retention efficiency of library materials of Automated Storage and Retrieval System(AS/RS) revealed by the literature review to other types of book stacks. Domestic and foreign academic libraries adopted AS/RS as part of a plan to improve the retention efficiency. Literature review reveals that in general, AS/RS is better in the retention efficiency in compare to other types of book stacks. This study compared the amount of library materials stored by the AS/RS of S University Library to the general book stack and the fixed-type and the mobile rack-type of virtual book stacks. The study reveals that AS/RS is up to 6 times more efficient than general book stacks, up to 3.61 times more efficient than fixed-type book stacks and up to 1.45 times more efficient than mobile rack-type book stacks. However, the study claims that the retention efficiency of library materials of AS/RS is lower than what is known.
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