Many universities are offering some of their offline courses for anyone to learn free online as an MOOC format. University libraries In response to changing university conditions, foreign university libraries are struggling to redefine their roles and provide new services. This study aimed to find the trends and models to support MOOCs in foreign libraries and Library and information science domain by conducting a systematic review of studies on foreign library and information journals which have been published from 2012 to 2015. A total of 34 out of 348 studies were included in the final analysis. This study also aimed to present the limits and the future models of MOOC support direction. The relevant articles could be identified, two criteria: 24 MOOCs studies relating to Libraries and 10 MOOCs studies related to LIS. The selected articles were summarized and analyzed yearly. The study identifies elements of library MOOC support models in 5 areas including MOOC design (copyright clearance and consulting, content licensing, open content), production support (course production, video editing, librarian MOOC production), management support (instructional design and content creation, students support), evaluation (MOOC data collection, analysis), reuse (MOOC metadata management, archive structure). Based on these findings, this study suggested the models of library MOOC support and set the theoretical fundamentals.
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