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The Study about Analyzing the Present Situation of Alternative Formats for Bibliotherapy of the Disabled People

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2016, v.50 no.4, pp.165-184


Generally, Bibliotherapy is aimed to cure the emotional or psychological wounds by using books for common users as self-treatment. But, Bibliotherapy for disabled people is carried out by alternative formats instead of a book. In library for the disabled, it is developing various bibliotherapy programs, but not yet activated. In order to carry out bibliotherapy, it is necessary to improve the bibliotherapy catalog preferentially. However, most Bibliotherapy catalogs are created for the common users, not for disabled people specially. How to make the special catalog for disabled people and catalog of alternative formats according to pathological symptom or situation is still a big problem. Basing on this premise, the author examined the necessity of bibliotherapy catalog for disabled people, and the present situation of alternative materials for the bibliotherapy. And then, the author proposes plans of bibliotherapy for how to build the bibliotherapy for disabled people.

대체자료, 독서치료, 독서치료 독서목록, 장애인, 치유서, Alternative Formats, Bibliotherapy, Bibliotherapy Catalog, Disabled People, Self-helf Book



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science