This study is to objectively deduce components of a public library culture and define a library culture. Thus, the study gathers the opinions and the experiences of the expertise in this specific area of a library culture. Furthermore, the study takes gathered informations and dates into consideration, to derive a measurement of final components, delphi technique. Through usage of Delphi technique, it allowed selected final components to operate a comparative analysis of the elements, which then it helps to measure each element’s critical importance, identify priorities of each element by using a hierarchical decision making method. The major conclusions of this study are as follows. First, the study used a two-step delphi survey which was conducted on a panel of experts (Faculty of Library and Information Science(LIS) and the librarians), deduced the components of a library culture. In the primary survey, the study found 29 components (material culture 6, non-material culture 23). In the secondary survey, it deduced 21 components (material culture 3, non-material culture 18). Second, through comparative analysis, the prioritization of the public library culture components presented in following orders, <cultural values>, <cultural behavior>, and <cultural materialism>. The Most weighted values of each components were, <cultural materialism> of ‘data usage and its method.’; <cultural values> of ‘core values of librarianship’; <cultural behavior> of ‘library ethical consciousness.’ appeared as such.
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