The purpose of this study was to develop a competency-based continuing professional development (CPD) model using the National Competency Standards (NCS)-Library & Information Management. This study specifically examined various competency standards for librarians developed in and out of the country, conducted a survey research and focused group interviews to obtain professional librarians’ needs for continuing education and their opinions on the NCS for library professions. It analyzed the contents of the NCS elements and mapped with elements in the five other competency standards for library and information professions. It also scrutinized the current training programs at the National Library of Korea in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses. The results of the study informed the areas to enhance the current NCS by identifying underdeveloped competencies and identified the course contents that should be developed with priorities. The study also developed a modified National Competency Standards for Continuing Professional Development (NCS-CPD). Continuing education institutions can utilize this scheme as a useful guideline to develop balanced continuing professional development curriculums for the practitioners working in various library and information centers.
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