As a foundational research for formulating a comprehensive operation plan for Ulsan Library, this study has been undertaken to develop directions for the future library services by performing surveys on the users and library staffs. Consequently, first, the users have demonstrated such a high demand for collaborative services, such as make possible variable library services using a single membership ID across the nation. Second, there is a significant difference in the awareness among the two groups in regards to the awareness of promotional methods for the facilitation of the use of public library in Ulsan. That is, while the staffs highly preferred the use of media such as newspaper, magazines, and radios, users demonstrated the converse and, instead, preferred field trip programs. Third, there seemed to be a certain level of agreement by and among the users and staffs in respect of the library’s roles such as that of providing diverse education and programs on reading activities, and that of enabling diverse cultural activities such as arts and culture.
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