As a public institution, it is the duty and responsibility of a library to provide readers with information about books. To provide such information to readers, a librarian should have the ability to provide satisfactory consultation and advice. As interest in picture books grows, there is an increasing need for libraries and librarians to produce and release picture book reviews on a regular basis to inform readers of what makes a good picture book, and which among similar books should they choose. Other than summarizing the content of a picture book, a good picture book review should also provide additional information that will help readers understand the reviewed book such as the literary symbolism of a book’s visual texts. To this end, a librarian is required to develop visual literacy, which would enable him/her to read into the deeper meaning of the images imbued with the writer’s ideas and philosophy. In light of the above discussion, this study compares and analyzes two picture book versions of the story Little Red Riding Hood, with the purpose of helping librarians understand the visual texts that they need to refer to when writing picture book reviews.
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