A book review expands readers’ choice of resources by providing them with the contents and bibliographic data of various books. It also functions as a reader support service designed to enrich their reading experiences. In particular, in the field of children’s reading, literary devices are used to convey knowledge and information to children. Therefore, a review for a children’s book should help children follow a book with further readings so that they can expand their literary imagination through comparative reading. In light of the above, this study looks into the case of a children’s story entitled Little Red Riding Hood to identify the points that should be addressed in the “Literature Comparison” section of a book review in order to suggest further readings to readers. First, the review should provide an objective description of the content of Little Red Riding Hood. Second, it should explain the literary value of the reviewed book and the discourse that surrounds it so as to analyze its unique features that separate it from other literary works. Third, the review should provide bibliographic information on other works that use narrative structures adapted from those of Little Red Riding Hood. Fourth, it should broaden readers’ choice and access by introducing, if any, works adapted from Little Red Riding Hood into other media.
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