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A Study on Personalization of Science and Technology Information by User Interest Tracking Technique

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2018, v.52 no.3, pp.5-33


In this paper, we analyze a user’s usage behavior, identify and track search intention and interest field based on the National Science and Technology Standard Classification, and use it to personalize science and technology information. In other words, we sought to satisfy both efficiency and satisfaction in searching for information that users want by improving scientific information search performance. We developed the personalization service of science and technology information and evaluated the suitability and usefulness of personalized information by comparing the search performance between expert experimental group and control group. As a result, the personalization service proposed in this study showed better search performance than comparative service and proved to provide higher usability.

Personalized Search, Interest Tracking, Science and Technology Information, Search Performance Evaluation, User Behavior, 개인화 검색, 관심분야 추적, 과학기술정보, 검색성능 평가, 이용 행태



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science