The purpose of this study is to examine and propose to improve the features of a simple keyword search box and faceted navigations of KOLIS-NET operated by the National Library of Korea. A record group of ‘2011-2020 (776)’ under ‘Publication date’ facet, out of 3,702 records retrieved from a search of ‘김훈’, were examined. Major findings are as follows: (1) Five facets including ‘Format’, ‘Publication date’, ‘Subject’, ‘Language’ and ‘Country’ are used to limit search results only in the first step, and multiple facets cannot be simultaneously used; (2) With ‘Publication date’ facet formed in the span of ten years, a separate publication year cannot be identified; (3) ‘Subject’ facet based on KDC limits the results only in broad subject classes without sub-facets; (4) Under ‘Format’ facet, a special format such as large print texts cannot be identified; (5) Without ‘Author’ facet, authors cannot be identified; and (6) ‘Publication date missing’, ‘Language missing’, and ‘Miscellaneous subject’ record groups cannot be clicked and displayed, a navigation to-and-fro between a brief list and bibliographic records is not smooth, etc. Therefore an application of multiple facets in all stages of limiting the search result, a construction of sub-facets for ‘Publication date’ and ‘Subject’ facets, an accurate description and coding of ‘General Material Designation’, etc. are suggested to improve KOLIS-NET’s faceted navigation.
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