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Development, Implementation, and Analysis of a Maker Education Program in School Library: A Case Study of Daegu S High School

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2019, v.53 no.2, pp.117-137


The purpose of this study is to guide the design and operation of maker education programs in school library and to spread them by sharing the maker education program case. For this purpose, we explained the case of maker education of Daegu S high school library and analyzed its significance in terms of users in quantitative and qualitative way. In order to analyze the user’s perception of the image and self-efficacy of capacity building of school library maker education, we compared it with the perception of existing school library education programs. In addition, we analyzed whether there is a statistically significant difference in the perception of the maker education according to the grade of the student and the experience of the maker education. The perception of school library maker education was not more positive than the existing school library education program. However, it is noteworthy that students who experienced school library maker education showed a positive image and high level of perception of the self-efficacy of capacity building in both existing school library education and manufacturing education compared to those who did not. These results suggest that school library maker education can improve the overall image of school library education and raise perception of the self-efficacy of capacity building. We hope that this study will contribute to activate school library maker education.

메이커스페이스, 메이커 교육, 학교도서관, STEAM, 융복합 교육, Makerspace, Maker Education, School Library, STEAM, Convergence Education



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science