이 논고는 『사고전서총목제요』 문헌 출처의 분류와 종류의 조사 및 분석을 목적으로 진행하였으며, 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 『사고전서총목제요』 문헌 출처의 분류를 크게 국가본, 지방본, 개인본과 관원본 및 사회유통본의 5종으로 분류하였다. 둘째, 내부본과 칙찬본 등은 국가본으로 분류하고 각 지방과 지역의 각성채진본을 지방본으로 분류하였다. 셋째, 家藏本으로 명명하여 구별이 명확하지 않았던 개인본과 관원본은 전자는 省名과 장서가의 이름으로 조합된 경우, 후자는 관직명과 성명으로 조합한 경우로 분류하였다. 넷째, 사회유통본은 당시 사회에서 유통되던 통행본 외에 구입본을 포함하였다. 다섯째, 『사고전서』에 채록된 문헌은 전국적 규모이며, 문헌수는 지방본, 국가본, 개인본, 관원본, 사회유통본의 순으로 많음을 밝혔다. 여섯째, 1) 관원본의 관직명, 2) 개인본 중의 상호명, 3) 방각본 대신 통행본 명칭을 취하고 있는 점을 통해 『사고전서총목제요』 문헌 출처 명명에 다소 명분을 중시하고 있음을 발견하였다.
This study was conducted with a view to investigating and analyzing classification and types of literature sources of Sikuquanshuzongmutiyao and the results of this study are as follows. First, the literature sources of Sikuquanshuzongmutiyao were classified mainly into five types including national version, provincial version, individual version, public official version, and societal distribution version. Second, court and Emperor’s version was classified as national version, while literatures collected from state and province were classified as provincial version. Third, each of individual version and public official version, which were not clearly differentiated from each other due to their being named private version, were distinctively and separately classified. They were classified into individual version if associated by province name and book owners’ names and into public official version if associated by public post names and public official’s name. Fourth, societal distribution version included distributed and purchased versions in the society of those days. Fifth, in terms of the number of literature listed in all descriptions of Sikuquanshu, provincial version, national version, individual version, public official version, and societal distribution version were more found in the descending order. Sixth, it was found out that causes are being a little more stressed in the description of reference names of Sikuquanshuzongmutiyao through 1) public post names on public official version, 2) company names on private version, and 3) names of societal distribution version instead of sales version.
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