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An Analytical Study on Research Trends of the Library Services for the Information Poor in Korea

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2019, v.53 no.3, pp.63-82


Libraries are recently emerging as the core institutions designed to resolve the information equality that is forecasted to further deepen with the arrival of the fourth industry revolution era. This study thus analyzed the trends of studies on the library services offered to people suffering information inequality in Korea, and proposed measures for the activation of the research and future studies so as to strengthen the domestic library services targeting the people suffering information equality and to promote the research. As a result, proposed as measures for the activation of research were ① Policy support and project expansion at the national level, ② Various approaches and research environment creation at the academic level, ③ Strengthening of services for the various levels of people suffering information inequality and deployment of professional librarians at the level of libraries, and ④ Encouraging librarians to enroll with graduate schools and to conduct research. Further, proposed were the future studies that can be approached according to the various levels of people suffering information inequality, such as disabled people, multicultural family members, elderly people, children, youth, agricultural and fishing areas, low-income people, and refugees(North Korea defectors).

정보불평등, 지식정보 취약계층, 도서관서비스, 연구동향, Information Inequality, Information Poor, Library Service, Research Trends



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science