Recent disasters are a complex and growing trend. In order to effectively prepare for and respond to disasters that occur without notice, it is very important to use scientific information related to disaster and safety in addition to the standardized disaster safety information that is used. In this paper, we searched and selected major journals in the field of disaster & safety and conducted various network analysis studies using the classification scheme for development of integrated metadata for disaster & safety information developed through Disaster & Safety Information Sharing Platform R&D project as well as KSCD. Also, we have constructed and analyzed citation network, co-authorship network and keyword network through data identification and preprocessing of research paper contents. As a result of this study, based on the network constructed by information analysis unit, the network structure between core domestic and foreign journals, major research institutes, core keywords and individual information by disaster & safety type was identified in detail, and the analysis results were presented on a case-by-case basis.
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