ISSN : 1225-598X
This study proposed two improved models, depending on each central axis of local library policies, to improve the management of the metropolitan library committee which should play an important role in pursing the policies. The model of draft 1 suggested that the metropolitan library committees’ library policy deliberative functions be reinforced for pursuing metropolitan library policies, around the department of library policy in each central office. The model of draft 2 suggested that the metropolitan library committees play a role in the policy governance, in pursuing the metropolitan representative libraries-based local library policies. In order to efficiently pursue the proposed improvements of the management of the metropolitan library committees, the functions of the metropolitan library committees and each status of the chairmen and the vice chairmen, which are stipulated by 「Library Act」 need to be elevated, according to the draft 2. Then a local laws and regulations (draft) was proposed to stipulate matters concerning the management of metropolitan library committees by metropolitan municipalities, based on the local laws and regulations.