ISSN : 1225-598X
In this study, LD construction cases of overseas libraries were analyzed with focus on published datasets, reused vocabulary, and interlinked external datasets, and based on the analysis results, basic data on LD construction plans of domestic libraries were obtained. As a result of the analysis of 21 library cases, overseas libraries have established a faithful authority LD and conducted new services using published LDs. To this end, overseas libraries collaborated with other libraries and cultural institutions within the region, within the country, and nationally under the leadership of the library, and based on this cooperation, a specialized dataset was published. Overseas libraries used to increase the visibility of published LDs, and used BIBFRAME for subdivision of description to define various entities and build LDs based on the defined entities. Overseas libraries have utilized various defined entities to link related information, display results, browse, and download in bulk. Overseas libraries were interested in the continuous up-to-date of interlinked external datasets, and directly utilized external data to reinforce catalog information. In this study, based on the derived implications, points to be considered when issuing LDs by domestic libraries were proposed. The research results can be used as basic data when future domestic libraries plan LD services or upgrade existing services.