ISSN : 1225-598X
This study developed a scale for measuring publicness and examined the differences in perception of publicness according to library usage experience, personal characteristics of local residents, and types of library services. The survey was conducted on 15 local public libraries in 5 districts of Seoul, targeting library users and local residents. As a result, it was found that the publicness of libraries is composed of three factors: participatory responsiveness, procedural fairness, and situational equality, which demonstrate different aspects formed through the interaction between library users and local residents in the local community. The study derived ways to enhance publicness and presented in detail which aspect of publicness needs to be enhanced according to library usage experience and service period, local residents’ occupational environment and experience of local activities, and types of library services. The study suggests that when service experiences that enhance publicness are effectively provided, more local residents can benefit from them, and the value of the library’s existence can be demonstrated.