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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0688
This study, undertaken with college students (N = 244, 63.1% female), validated the Locus of Evaluation Inventory (LEI; Bucur & Lee, 2006) in Korean culture, using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and examined the correlations between the locus of evaluation and psychological adjustment (self-esteem, presentation anxiety, and social anxiety). The EFA results yielded a 17-item Korean LEI with five factors. Four factors (low self-regard, concerns for others’ opinion, dependence, and public self-consciousness) were almost identical with those found in the U.S. Additionally, a new factor (show-off) emerged, which seems to reflect a Korean-specific strategy to protect the vulnerable self. Correlation results, with measures of self-esteem and anxiety, supported both the convergent and concurrent validity of the Korean LEI, further suggesting the utility of this scale for use in Korea.
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