open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the perceptual difference on images of managers in the medium size enterprises and was intended to suggest the norms of action program which could be applied for the purpose of organizational development. To adjust the environmental and organizational change, organizations should try to accomplish organizational development. Bales(1979) developed a new theory and methodology 'SYMLOG'(A System for the Multiple Level Observation of Groups), which could be applied for the purpose of organizational diagnosis and OD. 356 subjects selected from managers and employees in the medium size enterprises in Taegu and Kyongbuk areas rated MEM/LEM image on SYMLOG General Behavior Rating Forms. The present study employed 2(organizational traits : high performance vs. low performance) × 2(position : manager vs. employee) completely randomized factorial design. The data were analyzed by the SYMLOG Field Diagram and Bargraph. The results were as follows: 1. In the perceptions of MEM image, U-D and F-B dimensions showed significant difference in organizational traits(high performance vs. low performance). P-N dimension revealed significant difference in the variable of position(manager vs. employee). 2. The interaction effect(organizational traits × position) was found significantly in the U-D dimension. P-N dimension showed significant difference in organizational traits. F-B dimension revealed significant difference in position. Besides SYMLOG 3 dimensional analysis by field diagram, SYMLOG Bargraph analysis was used in order to study EME/LEM norms. The norms of MEM/LEM were discussed as criteria of organizational development.