open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
For the purpose of the empirical study on the measurement and related variables of the job satisfaction, and its demographic variable's effects, it was surveyed for the job satisfaction scales and value orientation scales. The subjects were 429 employeed in a large scale textile production company. The major findings are follows. 1) Through the factor analysis, the dimensions of job satisfaction are leadership, company policies, salaries, promotion, working condition, benefits, and co-workers. These results are similiar with established researches. The construct validity of the job satisfaction scale adopted in this study is considered as moderate. 2) The facet or factor satisfaction correlations with overall satisfaction are relevant coefficients(from r=.19 to r=.38). 3) The general value have no significant effect on the job satisfaction. 4) The demographic variables effects of the job satisfaction have similiar tendency with the established researches.