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A study on the Antecedent and Outcome Variables of Service Climate


The first purpose of this study was intended to investigate the antecedent and outcome variables of service climate. For antecedent variables, service education, service reward, service equipment, service leadership, service orient, and consumer feedback were included in this study. Service performance, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction were included for outcome variables. Data were obtained from 333 hospital employees across 11 general hospitals. Means of service-related variables were generally not high, indicating that service climate of general hospitals were not strong. Results of correlational analyses showed that among antecedents service education, service reward, service equipment, service orient, consumer feedback, and service leadership were significantly related to service climate. Service climate was significantly related to service performance, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. The second purpose of this study was to investigate the antecedent variables of service performance. Besides the six service-related variables, big-five personality traits(extroversion, agreeableness, emotional stability, conscientiousness, and intellect) were also inclued fur the antecedent variables. Results of correlational analysis showed that except for service reward, service equipment, and emotional stability, all the variables were significantly related to service performance. Also, results of stepwise and hierarchical regression analyses showed that personality traits contributed more to explain service performance relative to service-related variables. Finally, the limitations and implications of this study were discussed.

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