open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The present study focuses on the issues of evaluating creativity in products, which are relatively less studied among a variety of approaches to creativity but has a great potential for understanding creativity. In Study 1, the Korean version instrument of evaluating creative products was developed, reflecting the Korean`s implicit theories of creativity in products. Our instrument retains items measuring eight component facets: originality, surprise, valuable, logical, useful, understandable, elegant, and well-crafted, unlike the original CPSS. In Study 2, we conducted confirmatory factor analyses on a new data set collected for each of the products. Results indicate that the three-factor CPAM model was adequately confirmed for the products that are Korean culture-specific. In Study 3, the purpose of the analyses was to determine if people differentiate the creative products on the attributes measured by the instrument. It was evident that the mean differences among measures of the products were statistically significant and this suggested the usefulness of the instrument as measuring creativity in products.