open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
The present study focuses on the issues of evaluating creativity in products, which are relatively less studied among a variety of approaches to creativity but has a great potential for understanding creativity. In Study 1, the Korean version instrument of evaluating creative products was developed, reflecting the Korean`s implicit theories of creativity in products. Our instrument retains items measuring eight component facets: originality, surprise, valuable, logical, useful, understandable, elegant, and well-crafted, unlike the original CPSS. In Study 2, we conducted confirmatory factor analyses on a new data set collected for each of the products. Results indicate that the three-factor CPAM model was adequately confirmed for the products that are Korean culture-specific. In Study 3, the purpose of the analyses was to determine if people differentiate the creative products on the attributes measured by the instrument. It was evident that the mean differences among measures of the products were statistically significant and this suggested the usefulness of the instrument as measuring creativity in products.
This research introduced the concept of `alternative attractiveness` derived from the social exchange theory to the research model predicting turnover intention among salesforce. By doing so, we tried to broaden the understandings of relationship between salesperson job attitude and salesperson behavior. We collected and analyzed the data from the survey on the 178 salespeople employed at the life insurance companies. We found the alternative attractiveness to be a significant antecedent of the turnover intention. Specifically, the more attractive the alternative the greater the intention of turnover. However, we also found that the salesforces are less attracted to the alternative if they are more satisfied with their jobs. Finally, this research can be a seminary work with the relational perspective for the studies of salesforce management.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of job-related variables and personality traits on turnover intention of service employees in the food and beverage industry. First, nine job-related variables such as workload were chosen by the literature review and the interview with 30 employees in the food and beverage industry. In addition, emotional labor was included by the researchers as the job-related variable to be expected influencing turnover intention. The six personality factors(HEXACO) were included as the personality traits. Questionnaires were administered to 347 employees in the food and beverage industry across 9 organizations. As a result, all of the 10 job-related variables were found to have significant relationships with turnover intention. Honesty-Humililty, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Openness to experience in HEXACO personality factors significantly explained turnover intention. Additionally, hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted to know the interaction effect between job-related variables and personality traits. The three personality factors(Extraversion, Emotionality, and Openness to experience) moderated the relationships between job-related variables(lack of career future, conflict with a superior, and conflict with a co-worker) and turnover intention. Based on these results, the implication and limitation of this study, and the direction for the future research were discussed.
The purpose of this study was to verify the discriminant validity between perceived value of work(PVW) and job satisfaction and to test the effects of PVW determinants(that is, job significance, process efficiency, result utility, vision actualizability, and social recognition) and PVW on the job effectiveness variables(that is, job satisfaction, job commitment, and job motivation). For this study, data from 1,158 employees were collected from both off-line and on-line surveys. The result of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that PVW was discriminated from job satisfaction and their components were also discriminated with one another. And the results of mediated regression and structural equation modeling analyses showed that all of PVW determinants had significant influences on PVW and job effectiveness variables, and all the effects of five PVW determinants on job effectiveness variables were well mediated by PVW. This study has a useful contribution in that the effects of PVW determinants on PVW are re-examined and construct validity of PVW is verified. Lastly, this study has a implication for organizational psychology studies that PVW should be considered and measured as a preliminary job effectiveness criterion.
The purpose of this study was to verify effects of perceived value of work(PVW) determinants on PVW through field experiments. For this study, `Task Value Creation (TVC)` program based on PVW determinants was developed. Then mean differences in PVW determinants and PVW between the experiment group(n=36) that participated in the TVC program and the control group(n=38) that did not participated in it, was compared. The result revealed that the experiment group showed a significant increase of the other four PVW determinants(that is, process efficiency, result utility, vision actualizability, and social recognition) except for job significance, and that PVW was also accordingly increased. However, the control group did not show any meaningful increase of PVW determinants and PVW as well. The result of this study has an important contribution to the field of organizational revitalization in that the effect of PVW determinants on PVW was proved through a field experiment and the effectiveness of TVC program developed aiming at increasing employee`s PVW was confirmed.
This research extended the findings on the effect of merge and acquisition by applying social identity theory. Various (correlates) of merge and acquisition were investigated using 864 South Korean employees. This investigation had three purposes. The first was to develop social identity scales concerning merger organization situation. The second purpose was to compose pre-merger organizational identity management strategy scales and identify its factor structure. Finally, it is identified that effect of status perception and the legitimacy and stability of status difference between employees from merging and merged organization on pre-merger organizational identity and pre-merger organizational identity management strategy. The main results were as followed. First, three factors (group self-esteem, group identification, group involvement) were found using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis in the first study. Second, four factors (individuality, assimilation, hostility behavior, the pursuit of in-group superiority) were identified in the second study. People who had merged relative to people who had been merged think of their status high. At the same time, the more stable and legitimate people who think of their status high perceived, the more they were likely to have a high pre-merger organization identity and use collective behavior strategy. However they were less likely to use individual strategy. In contrast, when people who are relatively low status perceived their current status legitimate, they felt low pre-merger identity and likely to use individual behavior strategy. Finally, regardless of status difference, when people had a high pre-merger organization identity, they used less individual strategy and selected more collective behavior strategy.
This study aims to develop a structure model that explains the causes and effects of the clinical nurses` job stress in terms of its process. Variables and factors in the organization, group and individual level and job characteristics have been selected from literature reviews and the factors have been verified by LISREL8.2(a) program after setting up hypothetical model. The study analyzes as follows. Organizational managerial characteristics (prerequisite variable factor of job stress) directly acts on group coherence in significant positive effect, nursing job characteristics directly acts group coherence in significant negative effect, and group coherence again acts directly job stress in significant negative effect. However the hypothesis that organizational managerial characteristics and job characteristics taking group coherence as a mediator affect the job stress, was not significant. On the other hand, it is indicated that job stress acts directly organizational effectiveness in significant negative effect, but indirect effects affecting organizational effectiveness that group coherence was gone through job stress, is not significant.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between leader`s personality and leadership styles. Data were collected from 255 managers across 8 organizations. MBTI Form K with 20 multi-subscales was used to measure leader`s personality and MLQ(Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire) was used to measure leadership styles. The results of the research were as follows. First, thinking(T) and judging(J) types of managers, who are logical decision maker, were most prevalent in this study, consistent with the results of previous studies. Second, extraversion(E) and judging(J) types had significantly positive relations with transformational leadership. Also, a contingent reward factor of transactional leadership was strongly related with these two personality types. Finally, the limitations and implications of this study and directions for further research were discussed.
The present study attempted to further explore our previous research on the negativity effect. It also examined whether the negativity effect in a performance appraisal situation showed a different pattern from the effect in a social judgment situation. In study 1, to test which and whose information were more influential among multiple source-multiple raters in the negativity effect, the raters who showed a neutral position in their initial rating of the ratee made re-evaluation after receiving positive(6-point) or negative(2-point) feedback. The result showed that negative feedback of 360 degree had stronger impact than positive one. Thus, the negativity effect was replicated and differential impact of the source was obtained with regards to information integration process of the 360 degree feedback. In study 2, we investigated uniqueness of the negativity effect in the performance appraisal situation in comparison with social one. The participants were divided into three groups depending on their intial rating(positive: above 5, neutral: 4, and negative: below 3). After receiving positive or negative feedback, they made re-evaluation and it was compared with their initial rating. In results, the impact of positive or negative multiple source feedback information was different depending on the positiveness of the initial rating. The trend appeared regardless of the source, which shows the uniqueness of the negativity effect in the performance appraisal.
This study was intended to develop and validate the Korean version of the Career Orientation Type Scale(KCOTS). To develop preliminary items, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 employees in a variety of organizations, and 63 items were developed through content analysis. In study 1, data were obtained from 218 employees using these items. The results of exploratory factor analyses showed that the nine-factor model fit the data well. Most of these factors were similar to those found in the Schein(1978)`s Career Anchor scale except the religion orientation. In study 2, data were obtained from 212 employees. The result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the eleven-factor model had a better fit to the data than the nine-factor model. Also these factors were significantly related to various criteria such as career planning, career commitment, self-rated performance, etc, supporting criterion-related validity of the scale. Finally, the limitations and implications of this study and the directions for future study were discussed.