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ISSN : 1229-0696
The present study examined the factor structure of affect in organization. Assuming the factor structural differences in affect between in everyday life and in organizational life, we developed 26 adjectives based on interview results from 24 employees and exploratory factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis results showed 4 factor-structure(Passion, Relief, Anger, and Frustration) was better fitted to the data than any other models. This solution failed to show evidences for measurement equivalence between students and employees sample, results of differential item functioning(DIF) analysis revealed that 22 of 26 items displayed uniform or nonuniform DIF. No evidence was observed for the bipolarities of any pair of the 4 affect dimensions. However, results of correlation and regression analysis with other variables such as personalities and performances demonstrated scale's convergent, discriminant, and predictive validities. Findings, limitations, and implications were discussed with reference to theoretical framework proposed for understanding the role of affect in organization.
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