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The Effect of Workload on Urban Bus and Taxi Drivers' Fatigue and the Mediating Effects of a Negative Emotional State


We investigated the influence of workload and its six sub-factors on the bus and taxi drivers’ fatigue, as well as the mediating effects of emotional state on the effect of the workload on the drivers' fatigue. Participants included sixty-three bus drivers and forty-eight taxi drivers. We found workload to have a significant impact on driver fatigue. In our analysis of the six sub-factors of workload and their influence on fatigue, we found that mental demand had significant impacts on each driver group's fatigue. However, temporal demand, performance, and frustration showed significant effects only on bus drivers' fatigue. With respect to taxi drivers, physical demand and effort had an effect on fatigue. Specifically, if drivers are influenced greatly by their workload or a specific sub-factor, fatigue becomes much more pronounced. Also, results from both groups of drivers indicated that a negative emotional state had mediating effects on the workload, influencing their levels of fatigue. Given that both bus and taxi drivers share a driving purpose, they indicated similar levels of workload and fatigue in this study. However, our results confirm different psychological factors influencing the fatigue of each group, a result stemming from a difference in work environments. Given these results, transportation management personnel must make a strong effort to improve the working environment for these two groups of people. Initiatives such as reducing driving time and guaranteeing breaks and mealtimes are suggested.

피로, 작업부하, 정서상태, 정신적 부담, 시간적 부담, 노력의 부담, Fatigue, Workload, Emotion state, Mental demand, Temporal demand, Effort



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