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A Study on the Antecedents of Conflict in Groups


The purpose of this study was to examine antecedents variables of intragroup conflict. Intragroup conflict was divided into task conflict and relationship conflict. in this study, two situational variables such as promotive interdependence and value diversity, and three individual trait variables such as self-monitoring, reciprocation wariness, and perspective taking were included. Data were collected from 207 employees across various types of companies. The results of correlation analyses showed that promotive interdependence was more positively correlated with task conflict than relationship conflict, value diversity was more positively related to relationship conflict than task conflict, and self-monitoring was not related to any type of conflict, thus not supporting the hypotheses. Perspective taking was more negatively related to relationship conflict than task conflict, supporting the hyothesis. Reciprocation wariness was more positively related to relationship, but the difference in correlations was not significant, partially supporting the hypothesis. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study, and the directions for future research were discussed.

Task conflict, Relationship conflict, Promotive interdependence, Value diversity, Self-monitoring, Reciprocation wariness, Perspective taking, 과업갈등, 관계갈등, 촉진적 상호의존성, 가치다양성, 자기감시성, 호혜경계성, 관점수용, Task conflict, Relationship conflict, Promotive interdependence, Value diversity, Self-monitoring, Reciprocation wariness, Perspective taking



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